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  • Unable to create CTools CSS cache directory. Check the permissions on your files directory.
  • Unable to create CTools CSS cache directory. Check the permissions on your files directory.

केन्द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन के पूर्व छात्र दुनिया के सबसे कम उम्र के सीईओ है

Mr. Suhas Gopinath

Mr. Suhas Gopinath is an alumnus of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.From a young age, he had a passion for information. A passion so energetic, that it drove Mr.Gopinath to set up a multinational company christened Globals Inc. At the age of 14 he was recognized as the world`s youngest web developer through his project "" . A Fortune 500 company , being amazed at his talent, offered him job which included a pay check of $2000 per week, a chauffer driven car and an executive apartment. All this did not lure Mr. Gopinath as he wanted to be an entrepreneur himself. He set up Globals Inc. in the year 2000 at San Jose, California as the laws in India did not permit him to set up a company in the country as he was a minor.Since then, Mr. Suhas Gopinath has drastically grown as a multinational company with offices in more than 11 countries. The company offers tailor made solutions in the fields of web, mobile, networking e-commerce and software. Globals Inc. has already served more thatn 400 clients worldwide including Fortune 500 companies.Mr. Suhash Gopinath at age of 16 was recognised as the world`s youngest entrepreneur by CNBC and e-Business, Canada.At the age of 17 he was recognised as the world`s youngest CEO by leading media across the globe including BBC, Washington Times, Streats-Singapore,Times of India etc. In the year 2003, a Singapore based company approached Globals Inc. to outsource their projects worth $38,000. The law stated that an executive signatory must be above 18.This cost him the deal. Nevertheless, he steered Globals Inc. further, with sheer determination.His team has grown from a mere 4 members to a staggering 400. Under his leadership the team has served more than 200 clients. At the International Business Awards, he was recognised as one of the best Business Executives.However, the climb thus far was not a smooth sailing. Two years ago "" was hacked by Pakistan based hackers. They attacked Mr. Gopinath and threatened him of his life. Threatening calls to close down his enterprise followed. Putting all these behind, Mr. Gopinath has bravely driven a quality team of Globals Inc;setting the global trend.Mr. Gopinath`s mission has been to establish a platform for youth where they find encouragement in their chosen career in the field of IT and also to built up their entrepreneurial skills. Today, Mr.Suhas Gopinath has proved that the age is no constraint for an individual to be sucessful by his/her dedication and hard work.